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Our blog is already 1 year old – its first birthday

Exactly a year ago – we launched our blog in March 2020. It was the beginning of a pandemic in the world.
Today, on this occasion, we celebrate the first blog birthday and summarize this wonderful time.

Difficult beginnings

It goes without saying that the entire first year of our blogging activity revolved around a pandemic.
First, we started blogging during the first lockdown in March and April.

Being at home longer, we could think everything over and plan carefully.

At this point, everyone was convinced that it would not take long and soon we would be able to live a normal life and travel again. Unfortunately this did not happen. We had to quickly revise our annual plans and change our strategy.


It is true that during the summer holidays the situation improved and we were able to go on a short vacation in the sanitary regime – there was no question of traveling by plane.

It was the only place that we have visited in 2020 with whole family

Our only trip in 2020 during pandemic

The only place we visited was the local top in the tourist region. Due to the fear of getting infected, we chose a detached house (single-family). More about this trip can be found here.

Camping with boys

Wife do not like campsites so you took our tent and go with male companionship to the camping trip.

The trip lasted 2 days, so it was rather symbolic and it is difficult to call it a holiday – rather a weekend one. Nevertheless, we tested the new equipment and it was great. Here’s the story.

Offroad and Camping – what is what boys love

Home improvements

During this year we were also doing some improvements in our house. Due to the fact that the financial crisis has not yet affected us and we had some savings – we were able to implement several projects during this year that we are proud of.

No more heat under the roof

The biggest success was to installation of air-conditioning which was described here. We were considering this purchase for a long time but at the end we decided that staying at home for long time require some comfort.

AC Remote control with cell phone

The second big project was to install system for remote control of the AC with the smartphone. Thanks to the help of an electrician friend, we were able to start a remote home control system, which we will certainly expand with other devices. You can read more here.

Thanks to SHS App we are able to control the AC parameters remotely.

Clean air and no more problem with pollen allergy

Air purifier was a great choice

Our younger son has a pollen allergy. We were so afraid that school lockdown and other restriction will cut us off from the medical help. We where testing different home solution but the air purifier was the best choice. Check our story about how we defeat pollen allergy.

Other things

In addition to projects to improve our home and health, we also operated in the kitchen. The time of the pandemic additionally increased our commitment to this issue – because we stopped visiting restaurants and other eateries. We started to make our own fast food like McDonalds and KFC at home.


Our blog has achieved moderate success, but we are proud of it anyway. Preparing articles and photos gave us great joy and we have thousands of new ideas for the next year.

On this occasion, we organized a party for our team. There was a cake and sweets. Yes we know – it’s not a healthy habit, but we can let the kids carefree for a while every now and then. After all, this time is also very difficult for them.

Sweets – very unhealthy – but this opportunity happens once a year

After that we served snacks based on puff pastry and Italian wine for adults.

Puff pastry snacks – olives, cheese, ham

Italian wine for our 1 anniversary

We hope that our blog will grow and the number of visitors to our website will increase.
After all, this is our diary and we will definitely continue to create it.
We would also like to thank everyone for their support in this project and feel free to contact us.

1 thought on “Our blog is already 1 year old – its first birthday

  1. You should not giving sweet food to your children. This is very bad idea!

    This past May, The National Academy of Science published the results of their review of the “Scientific Method.” That scientific method is what I’ve been referring to.

    You know, it’s a science that is applied to every aspect of the human life-experience, including everything from the way you’re eating to the way you get on your bicycle.

    The National Academy of Sciences has an impressive list of books and journals that cover their methodology and what is and isn’t scientific. Now, a recent video series by the Center for Disease Control shows that the scientific method is a problem.

    And the CDC has issued a call for research that could help protect the health of America’s children So the CDC has issued a call for research on why there’s such a low incidence of autism in young children from the scientific community, and also on whether there’s anything that we, as children, can do to help prevent it.

    So please protect your children and yourself as well.

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