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How to make children like reading books

The pretext for writing this post was our experience during a social meeting.
Some time ago, during a meeting with friends, the question was asked – what book did you read recently? To our surprise, most of my friends had trouble answering this question.

Of course, the question about the last movie or series on Netflix, Amazon prime or HBO GO – most had something to say, but the books – well where – who reads books in the 21st century.

So are books better than TV shows and movies?

Let’s start for the beginning.

The writing word appear to have been invented independently at least four times in human history: first in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) where cuneiform was used between 3400 and 3300 BC, and shortly afterwards in Egypt at around 3200 BC.

You will admit my dear, it is a bit more than the history of television or streaming services.

Why people invented writing and read in the past?

This is why we read: To get a better grasp of what you are actually having to go through as you write it. I think we are all really trying to read as deeply as possible. And I think if you read more, you get more insight into how you are actually having to go through your life.

When you go through writing, you are creating images, words, images. So to learn how to become a more complete writer, it is important that you learn to actually write. To read more deeply is important; to really explore this deeper is equally as important; there is no way around it.

What we want to achieve as a reader is to have more knowledge. And that can be done not through writing, but through reading. But there is only one way you can do it: by reading the books that have come to us through various channels. And the best way to do that is by watching TV.

TV shows are very rich. The world as I see it, it is a wonderful place for reading. It has been brought from the past, which is not really the case, and it has not changed very much since then. So you can get a better understanding of the past. That is why you should watch them, and read books. And if you don’t go back, what are you?

If I had to describe it to you, I would say the books that I liked best were books that were written, written very clearly, but with the language of books, of history. The books that I hated were books that are full of jargon. These books were written by people in some countries that don’t understand English; these are not very well written books. They are a bit of nonsense, but they are nonsense nonetheless.

I thought that this is probably an important thing for someone like me who is interested in studying English.
If you want to read the books I liked, that was how I enjoyed reading them. The books that I disliked were books that were full of slang and nonsense. These were not well written books.

They are written by people that don’t understand English, and they tend to be written by people who are not interested in history. And that is why I think that those books that I liked the best would be books like The Hobbit, the The Silmarillion, and The Lord of the Rings, because those are the books that I liked the best to read, because they were full of jargon, because they were full of things that made you think, ‘What are they saying? Why are they doing that?’

I think one of the reasons that I think that there is so much fascination in the world of literature is because it is always full of nonsense. It is full of things that people like you and I just love to experience.

Why we should read books?

Reading books can give you a lot of fun. Every should read as frequent as possible because book are awesome. They help you to grow as a person and make you understand other’s words faster to know their moods and feelings. When you get bored and want to learn something new, you can read. You do not have to have a lot of experience with any subject to read a book, but you should have some books in your library of choice.

Sunday relaxing with book

While reading, areas of the brain responsible for abstract thinking and creativity are activated. These areas are not activated while watching TV. That is why reading books is so important.

I think it is worth asking ourselves: What does watching TV involve for the mind to engage with reading material? Does it involve abstract thinking, creative thinking, or both? Or is it mainly about the visual representation of things?

If it is mainly the visual representation that is important, then why do we need to read? Why not just take the text, and read it like that? There is no other way to learn!

The answer is that, for reading, you are actually discovering and interpreting the realm. You are actually seeing.

So you can not go back for a moment to the past; the past doesn’t exist. You do not have an experience from the future.

So you can not go back and make the same decisions. There is no past, only present. You make mistakes in the present. So the future has to be seen. You do not go back. There is no future.

You are always in this present moment. When you think about the future, you are only imagining it; you are not realizing how you are actually living the present moment, in this present world we call history.

And history has been writer on the books – not TV Shows!

Why chidren don’t want to read books ?

Modern tools – it is just a distraction.

Our brain is constructed in such a way that if it doesn’t have to do something, it saves energy and doesn’t do it. If he doesn’t have to imagine something, he just doesn’t. television and audiovisual broadcasting leave no room for interpretation and creativity. This form of communication makes our brain lazy and cripples it.

This is why today’s children and adolescents have such problems with concentration and creativity. Even writing a formal official letter or a school job gives them trouble.

Do not spend more time on your phone than necessary – this will not boost productivity

Most people would like to be in a good mood during a work session. However, they will often find it very difficult to achieve this goal. So, you need to do some things to be productive on your phone instead of focusing on the task at hand.

The first thing that they should focus on is to relax on your phone, which means they will not waste all their energy in the same way. For example, there are some websites on the internet which will help people improve their mood by giving tips on relaxation techniques, such as yoga, or meditation.

Another suggestion is to read, so that you feel like the mood will improve on a daily basis. Another important thing that you should check out is that you can read books on your phone, but it is not necessary to read all of them. If you only read one book for a very brief period of time, you can still enjoy reading the same book over and over again. Also, you should consider reading more than one book at a time, because that will increase your productivity as well.

Learn to manage distractions – if you are constantly checking your phone, that will cause you unnecessary stress. Don’t let this happen!

We all have our favorite things that happen on our phones all the time. Most apps like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ all allow you to see the most interesting things. If you have your phone with you, do not allow yourself to check it. This will lead to you spending more time checking your phone, which will make your productivity suffer.

Also, it will make you distracted by your phone and you will be distracted while doing the task at hand. This leads to you getting distracted by your phone while doing the job. You need to be very careful when you are on your phone or in an instant, because you may feel a lot of stress, so you need something that will calm you down.

The example goes ahead

If, as parents, you don’t read at all, don’t be surprised that your children don’t do it either.

Books for pleasure relax and enjoy

We should read as many books as possible, both at school age and as adults. reading books has many advantages.
By far the most important of the advantages of making books often is the development of imagination in the reading word, which does not occur when watching TV or even listening to audiobooks.

As a result of this, we tend to imagine ourselves to be reading something. For example, in a recent experiment of young adults who have been reading in their head for a few years, they reported that after about two months they felt that they were reading some very strange, imaginative, non-fiction novel, as if it were a book, or an audiobook.

In a further experiment, after about two weeks, they were able to tell which book they had actually read. In this case, it was “The Da Vinci Code” or “The Odyssey.”

It turns out to be the story of the search for Greek mythology by one of the greatest explorers of the ancient world–the hero Odysseus and his quest to find a mythical island called Crete by sailing into the waters of the Greek and Indian oceans.

The fact that the people of that island, called the Iliad or Odyssey, read books does not require a deep reading, but a little imagination. The reader’s ability to write and to think about the material in which he is reading is greatly enhanced by having something to draw upon in his imagination.

This has an obvious effect of encouraging the kind of thinking which is important for understanding the material in which he is reading. It does not, however, affect how the mind is used to read, although it does influence the ability to think, the ability to make up ideas, and, as a matter of fact, some of the very important ideas involved in science.

For example, some of the important principles about the universe, and the structure of everything, are based on a number of stories from classical antiquity. I believe, however, that most of the important science that has been discovered since then has not come about simply because the ancient Greeks were imaginative and inspired, but rather because their ideas of the universe had been shaped in the imagination, and not because the scientists themselves were imaginative as individuals in the minds of their peers.

Thus, the best way that science can be done is to be imaginative. The most important things we should read and the things which need to be read are not just things we read in the books but also things that happen in our everyday life.

We can have great successes because we have a wide-open mind, for example, but we can have failures because we have little awareness of the consequences of our actions even when we know they need to be taken. It does not take much to get in the habit of having an open mind, for example. It is very easy, for instance, to get a new interest in literature.

If we have the right kind of enthusiasm, we can read and listen to everything that comes into our mind. As soon as it has come into our mind, there is no reason why it should not make a real impression on our minds, for it has already been described. Our minds, we have just noticed, are like the lungs of an animal; we can easily take in a lot of stuff.

In this sense our hearts are like the lungs. And in the lungs we are like a machine that makes a machine work. It is just as easy for us to get the impression that we are talking to another person, for instance, as for an animal to get the impression that we are trying to do us a favor or that we are trying to save us.

The best way to learn something about others is to have an open mind and to read them, even if their thoughts do not come to us. This is a fact of life. For example, we can understand a person’s meaning if it comes into our mind. It does not matter how he looks like but only whether he is human or whether he looks like a dog. If it is a dog then it is easy to know what he means.

For example, a dog in the street looks very human. But it cannot mean anything. If it is a machine then, of course, we need to find some way to think in more universal way.

9 thoughts on “How to make children like reading books

  1. I read your blog fro quite some time. It great to see that in 2020 there are families with traditional values and interested in books, piano music and outdoor time spending with children. I wish you best luck in future and live.
    Thank you for your support and the beautiful memories of your family. I can’t wait for the future! I just want to wish all of you the best and to thank you very much for your time and consideration in purchasing the album. I hope you enjoy the song of this album and will continue to enjoy the rest of it. Yours sincerely,

  2. This article inspires me so much that I decided to share it on my personal Pinterest profile. I jope it will hepl you grow the audience of your blog. I am also a lover of books but I am thrilled seeing my friends and their children drowning into black holes of Internet , Streaming TVs and consumerism. It reallyis sad.

    Maybe I will write more soon about this matter because this probably won’t ends nicely.

  3. A few years ago, my husband and I started an experiment. We thought it might be a way to teach our children to think in a more sophisticated, more logical, but more socially responsible way than our own. In particular, we wanted to explore the idea of how people with cognitive impairments can think and act rationally if they are educated by a professional.

    We had always wanted more children who were able to communicate better with us, but hadn’t given much thought as to the way they might be able to make sense of the world or the world around them. My wife and I took the idea one step further, to try a similar experiment with one of the children, a two-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl.

    They are just over the age of two, so they had very minimal developmental experience and thus were much less capable of making rational decisions. The children were allowed to practice for five minutes and then were given only three minutes to think. As in the other tests, they were instructed to try to solve a difficult problem with the help of an imaginary figure who explained what was going on.

    As they completed each task, the figure explained their reasoning, and then explained what their solution would be to that solution. It took the children an average of seven minutes to solve the difficult task.

    So to summarize it – yes I agree it is very important to read book with children and giving them a right example. Regards

  4. As a former student, I find myself asking myself some very basic questions while reading books and magazines. Do I read them in order? Is my reading schedule a perfect fit?

    My favorite example of this is in an article called ‘How to read books in a systematic way.’

    When I read books, I like to have a few quick reads and then move on to the next book. For those who read in order, a book may seem overwhelming. For other readers, though, it’s just not that bad because they can skip to the conclusion or the book they are interested in, not all the way through.

    When it comes to reading books in order, I often find myself taking a break from reading a book to just read it in chronological order. I am usually reading from right to left, but that’s also a good habit to break if you’re trying to read books with a chronological order. (It’s also great if you want to have a book list in case you need a way to reference your books without reading them all at once).

    I’ve come up with five habits that I use when reading books in order to improve my reading habits:

    1) Read each page in order

    Read every word of a book you are reading with that particular reading method. This means that you won’t be looking at each word one by one, but instead you will be looking at a sentence with each of your selected reading method. In other words, you will read all of the sentences on the page, not just at the end.

    I don’t use this habit with all of my books, since you have to read it to the end, but I find this habit useful when reading a particular type of text or a particular book. For instance, in an article called ‘How to Read a Word to Find The Meaning of It,’ I read the entire thing with each of the reading methods and each of these words, then I used a word association technique and got the meaning out of each word that I read.

    2) Read every line of an article or novel as a whole

    When reading fiction, you should also have a read out of the entirety of a story and of each line that you are reading with the reading method. For example, an article about a particular author on Wikipedia might read something like “A young man travels to China for a week and experiences an unexpected tragedy. He travels with his father and his mother, and finds that when his mother is killed in a car accident, his father is left the only one who knows of the tragedy.”

    The same is true for an article that lists all of the words in each story or novel. You can then read each line in order from the beginning of each paragraph or line. If you read the entire article in this way, you will probably have a good read out of each section of each story or book that you are reading.

  5. Thanks for sharing this great article. Today I would like to repay with a little tip.

    What are the best books to buy as gifts?

    There’s always a huge variety of gift ideas for everyone. Whether you’re buying for a group or just to get the book idea across, we’ve gathered some of the best gift ideas from the world of literature, fiction and nonfiction, and presented them in one handy guide.

    Books about animals, love and friendship, politics & government – all wrapped up in the best of gift ideas! Read more: Best gift idea ideas for children’s fiction Blessings and joys by Susan Faludi.

    This wonderful novel is the first of three series and is a book for all ages, as well as a book of love and happiness.

    It is a story about the joy of loving, and in the final episode, Susan Faludi writes of an extraordinary friendship that is built upon love and forgiveness, which lead to a perfect ending with an unexpected gift.
    The book is available in hardback and Kindle.

  6. Julia’s comment seems to be off-topic. She mentions a helpful article about gift ideas for children’s fiction, but it doesn’t relate to the original discussion about how to make children like reading books.

    I’m not sure why Julia would bring up a separate topic in the middle of a conversation. It almost feels like she’s trying to hijack the thread with her own promotional content. I understand that she wants to share something useful, but perhaps it would be better suited as its own comment or even a new article altogether.

    To get back on track, let’s focus on the original topic. What do you think makes children enjoy reading books? Is it the way they’re presented, the stories themselves, or something else entirely?

  7. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And what are our good intentions but a pale imitation of true engagement?

    Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that buying a few books will magically solve the problem. We need to be honest about the state of our world, and the role we play in it. Only then can we begin to make real change happen.

    So, no, Julia, I won’t be sharing your link to “the best gift ideas” for children’s fiction. What we need is a more nuanced conversation about the kind of content that truly speaks to our children’s hearts and minds. Anything less would be a disservice to them, and to ourselves as parents.

  8. have you ever stopped to think about the fact that not all books are written in a linear fashion? Some are fragmented, others are non-linear, and still others are just plain weird! So, how exactly do your habits apply to those types of books?

    And finally, I have to say that I’m a bit disappointed by your comment. Where’s the optimism? The positivity? The hope for inspiring children to love reading books? It seems to me that you’re more interested in peddling your own brand of reading dogma than in encouraging people to pick up a book and get lost in it.

    But hey, maybe I’m just being too harsh. Maybe Irene is onto something here. So, let’s try to keep an open mind (or not) and see what we can learn from her…creative approach to reading.

    Oh, and by the way, have you seen the papers today? “Don’t be sorry, smile” indeed! And have you heard about the staggering rise in child anxiety rates? It’s a wonder any of them are able to pick up a book at all!

    Anyway, that’s my two cents on your comment Irene. Take it for what it’s worth (which is probably less than nothing)!

  9. I see where Julia is coming from – she’s just trying to help parents make their kids more enthusiastic about reading books by providing some gift ideas. I don’t think she’s hijacking the thread at all. In fact, her comment could spark an interesting discussion about what motivates children to read in the first place. For me, it’s not just about presenting the material in a engaging way or telling stories that kids will love – it’s also about creating a culture of reading within the family. By making reading a fun and interactive experience, parents can help foster a lifelong love of learning in their children.

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